Home » New Anti-Rape Law Finally Addresses Sex Trafficking in India (VIDEO)

New Anti-Rape Law Finally Addresses Sex Trafficking in India (VIDEO)

Ruchira Gupta speaks on the new anti-trafficking law for Carbonated TV

Ruchira Gupta speaks on the new anti-trafficking law for Carbonated TV

Under intense local and international scrutiny, the New Delhi gang-rape case that sparked widespread protests across India, still awaits its verdict. Six men face criminal prosecution, which includes the death penalty, for brutally raping and killing a 23-year-old physiotherapy student on a moving bus on Dec.16 2012.

While the world keeps a close eye on the trial’s conclusion, India’s less talked about rape has already seen positive change since the New Delphi rape shocked the nation into action.

Sex trafficking is another name for commercial rape. It exploits a society’s poorest and most disenfranchised women. Continue reading.

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