In the past 12 years, the Apne Aap network has grown to include more than 21,142, at-risk and prostituted women and girls and their family members in 11 sites across India. They have all gained different Assets that has reduced their risk of or dependency on prostitution, and has allowed women to realize the power of their voices as agents of changing law and policy. Members of the Apne Aap network have successfully advocate for a new law, Section 370 I.P.C, on 3 April, 2013, against trafficking. This law has shifted the blame from the victim to the perpetrator. Our Ten Assets are based on gaining the four most essential rights for at risk and trafficked girls and women:
The girls and women of Apne Aap have now joined hands with rights-based movements linked to the four essential rights. We are part of various movements in India, such as the right to food, right to sustainable and dignified livelihood, right to land and housing, and right to education. In addition, we actively participate in movements against the marginalization of low-caste people, de-notified tribes and girls and women. We lead and join Dalit rallies, participate in DNT group organizing, and are part of the anti-rape protests.