Home » Art Installation at UNITED ART FAIR by Apne Aap Women Worldwide

Art Installation at UNITED ART FAIR by Apne Aap Women Worldwide

Vijay Chowk Times

An art installation offering glimpses of the imagery of young girls from a de-notified tribe that practices intergenerational prostitution, using traditional motifs as well as contemporary visuals to capture the narrative journey of the community particularly of women is on display at the United Art Fair, Pragati Maidan, Delhi. Facilitated by Apne Aap Women Worldwide, the art piece exhibits ‘Folklore through the representations of Private and Public’ showcasing the social journey of the girls and women of the community towards empowerment. The art work will be on display from September 14-September 17, 2013 at Hall number 10, Pragati Maidan. The multi-faceted art installation tries to capture their reality through visuals of community life and acts as a kaleidoscope that shares tales of their everyday lives and their constant struggles. Continue Reading.

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