Home » India’s light-weight gun for women slammed as ‘abhorrent’

India’s light-weight gun for women slammed as ‘abhorrent’


New Delhi, India (CNN) — A light-weight gun named after an Indian gang rape victim has triggered a wave of criticism from advocates who call it “abhorrent.”

Last week, an Indian state-run gunmaker introduced the .32-calibre revolver, made of titanium alloy, calling it a “valuable contribution to women’s security.”

The 500-gram firearm is called Nirbheek, meaning fearless in Hindi. The name was “inspired by Nirbhaya,” said Abdul Hamied, the general manager of the Indian Ordnance Field Gun Factory. Nirbhaya is the name given by the Indian media to the 23-year-old woman who was raped and beaten by several men aboard a public bus on December 16, 2012. She later died. The brutal attack provoked outrage across India and led to calls for improved safety and treatment of women. Read More.

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