Apne Aap adopted the Primary school in Najafgarh as a part of a project supported by the Canadian High Commission. After years of negotiation with the school authorities for the enrollment and retention of children, especially girls from Perna and Sapera communities, Apne Aap decided to equip the school with better infrastructure like a computer lab, library etc, and conduct various activities like art workshops, open mike sessions to ensure minimum dropouts.

As a first step, a sensitization meeting was held with the teachers of the school explaining them our objective of working with the school. It was essential to sensitize the teachers regarding the plight of the communities, and to break the stereotypes related to the Perna community. The meeting started with showing a short movie about the issue of inter-generational prostitution, made from the eyes of a young girl. The meeting was attended by the Principal and all the teachers of the school. They ensured all cooperation to Apne Aap.