Donors in India:
For Donating online click the Donate Button Below
Donate Life-saving meals during COVID-19 lockdown
Donors in US & Europe:
EIN for tax exemption: 134199270
Please use the Donate button below to contribute.
For donations in India, please scroll down.
For credit card donations through Global Giving:
Donate Via Wire Transfer:
Wire transfers can be made to the following account.
Apne Aap Women Worldwide India Trust,Axis Bank, Prince Anwar Shah Road Branch
Account no-255010100071460 IFSC CODE-UTIB0000255
Donate Via Cheque:
Check donations made out to “Apne Aap International” can be mailed to:
Apne Aap International, F.D.R. Station,P.O.BOX 1376,
New York, NY 10022
Organization Name: Apne Aap International, Inc.
Registration: Type B corporation under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, State of New York, USA
Tax Exempt status: 501 ( c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code
EIN for tax exemption: 134199270
Our accounts are maintained by: Mathews & Co, LLP, NY, NY 10016
Organization Name: Apne Aap Women Worldwide (India) Trust
Registration: Charitable Trust (Bombay Public Trust Act)
Tax exemption #: E20422-Mumbai
FCRA (Foreign Contributions Regulations Act Number) : 147120726
Income Tax Details: Apne Aap Women Worldwide (India) Trust is tax exempt u/s 80G of Income Tax Act 1961, No. DIT(E)/ITO (Tech) 80G/1695/2010-11 Dt. 03.05.2010
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